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Custom Review essay

Analyzing McCarthy’s The Road essay

A man who looks through the mirror and talks to his reflection usually has the ability to correct himself and put his house in order. The Road is a truly moving and touching journey taken by a father and his son in a hope to find a new life and some sanity in a post-apocalypse era, when all else ... Read more »

Book Report: The Jaguar Smile essay

The book has 14 chapters and a prologue. “The Jaguar Smile” starts with an introduction. What is interesting is that it was written in 1987, and 10 years after the book first saw the world. The plot tell that the author visited Nicaragua 21 years ago, where he witnessed a difficult ... Read more »

Book Review "Twilight" essay

The romance novel Twilight written by Stephenie Meyer was published in 2005 gaining much popularity and success and becoming the biggest selling book in 2008 after the release of the film. The plot is original and interesting, as it focuses on the relationships between humans and vampires ... Read more »

Commanding Heights essay

Commanding the height is a six hour documentary aired from PBS and its main theme is on economics; the different principles that have been applied in the management of market in different parts of the world. These ideologies include explanations such as how a certain economy is where it is now and ... Read more »

Database Security essay

Database security has been the most disturbing task bearing in mind that any data security system has limitations and bugs. It is due to the fact that any database security system can be configured and cracked, resulting to massive damage to an organization’s reputation. Such cases of ... Read more »

Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence essay

By was of introduction, the book standouts to be one of the prolific works where the writer goes out of his way to determine the best course of action for a profession that has not seen much research conducted on it. The writer particularly shows how important it is to extend the same human rights ... Read more »

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind essay

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is romantic sci-fi of two love birds who get into a fight which leads to a break up only to have each other erased from their memories. The couple later meets again in the same place they first met each other and fell in love once again as complete strangers. ... Read more »

Gladiator Movie essay

Historical films represent a special kind of cinematography. Having known the history, we can only imagine all those prominent figures. We can draw in our imagination ancient buildings and streets, meanwhile trying to learn more about the culture and customs of people, who lived long before us. No ... Read more »

Holistic package design and consumer brand impressions essay

Orth, Ulrich & Malkewitz, Kevin. (2008). “Holistic package design and consumer brand impressions.” Journal of Marketing, 72(3), 64-81. The article develops guidelines for productive packaging designs. The study identifies packaging as a product differentiation factor and, as a ... Read more »

Il Postino: The Postman and Slam essay

The themes in the movies Il Postino: The Postman and Slam are being compared with each other because they show a different dimension to modern-day poetry, in that they show how poetry alienates the authors form the rest of the society. Through the analysis of both films, one will be able to realsie ... Read more »

Mark Twain: Corn-Pone Opinions essay

In this article, Twain simply expresses how man is not independent in building out his social, economic, political and spiritual life but rather relies all the time on what the vast majority goes by or thinks. Therefore, the main point of the author is that key fundamentals surrounding the normal ... Read more »

No Healthy Race Without Birth Control essay

Margaret Sacher’s article raises many questions regarding her advocacy of birth control as a vehicle through which women are to gain their freedom. The most outstanding aspects in this article are assertions that the imbalance between the birth rate of the fit and the unfit are a hindrance to ... Read more »

Review of Carr’s The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google essay

The book written by an American writer Nicholas G. Carr (2008) deals with the history of electrification and computing. The author wants his audience to be aware of what modern world offers so that people might make relevant decisions about the choices they face. An analysis of the book shows that ... Read more »

Review of the Literature essay

Ames, N. J. (2011). Evidence to support tooth brushing in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 20 (3): 242-50. Article Summary: The author explores the relationship between oral health and terminal illness. According to Anes, tooth brushing should be a basic care practice ... Read more »

School Prayer essay

To begin with, two articles, “How Can School Prayer possibly hurt? Here is how” and “We need more prayers” are very crucial in establishing some of the most serious differences that have existed in America for several years. The issue of religion in America, though not ... Read more »

The Adverts essay

Adverts are supposed to deliver messages to the consumers about certain products. The target audience here refers to the people who are involved in water sports and underwater activities. The advertisement allows the target audience to appreciate the beauty of underwater photography. Through this ... Read more »

The Nutty Professor (1963)” in relation to “mise-en-scene” essay

The Nutty Professor movie is one of the films that have fully demonstrated the art of stage-managing mise en scene for a narrative purpose. This is a film that was written, directed and starred in by actor Jerry Lewis in the year 1963. The Nutty Professor was Jerry Lewis's highest achievement in ... Read more »

Theology: Book Review essay

Introduction “Theology” is a frequently heard word, but it is often misinterpreted, which leads to a wrong vision of Christian beliefs and a Christian way of living. Consequently, the book “Created for Community: Connecting Christian Belief with Christian Living” by Grenz ... Read more »
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