Free «People Management» Essay Paper
Activity 1
Organizational employee behavior is highly influenced by the structure of the organization (Jassowski, 2012). The culture of the firm is developed from the setting and structure of the organization. In many organizations, for example, there exist a structure of power running from the lowly employee such as the floor cleaners to the highest and most powerful such as the executive officers and managers. Depending on the type of organizational structure that exist in a firm, the culture of the firm is forged either to be incorporative or discriminatory (Jassowski, 2013). An analysis on the organizational culture indicates that the t influences how people interact in a firm. This implies that depending on the culture of the company; people may be social or antisocial. Social organizations maintain an average performance as employees use most of their time engaging and interacting other than performing the duties of the firm.
On the other hand, in an organization that does not depict a social culture, employees are motivated to work hard, be promoted and gain respect. In these types of organizations, power is paramount, and handwork is key and this need increases the performance of the employees. However, a contributing factor to this aspect is individual differences. Some individuals are social while others perform their duties without much interaction. As such, organizational personnel align themselves in groups that meet their needs. To ensure that these differences do not negatively affect performance in the firm, management skills and styles must be adapted. The most relevant styles include leadership, coordination and coordinating (Jassowski, 2013). The application of these skills ensures that employees are encouraged to interact, exchange relevant information for mutual benefit of the firm and their socialization level is regulated. The application of management styles do not only guarantee success of the business but also increases the individual development of the employees relative to the organizational policies.
Activity 2
Organizational factors influence the way people perform and view the management of the firm. According to effective human resource management practice, it is essentially important for an organization to exercise a certain level of freedom that allows its personnel personal space ('Best practice in people management', 1997). Leadership styles have an impact on individuals and teams. For example, a software development company does not require a social project leader who can organize and coordinate people. Good leadership styles in this case involve planning, risk management and mitigation as well as forecasting the expected scope and budget of the project (Dunkerley, 1972). On the contrary, a business that deals with upfront clients such as a café requires people’s skills as effective management styles in an effort of boosting the sales.
Statistics indicates that flexible working environments are beneficial towards the success of the firm (Cliffsnotes.com, 2014). For example, Google being a multinational company exercises flexible working hours and employee casual wear. As a result, its performance is increased, and employees enjoy a conducive working environment. The benefits are mutual for the company and the development of the individuals. Therefore, the working environment influences how people perform. To increase performance, a majority of firms utilize the reward policy while others that are goal oriented apply the appraisal policy (WARD, 1967). Once an employee reaches the company’s goal, they are either promoted or rewarded based on the policies stipulated in the company. Lastly, the ethical standards of the company impact on the levels of performance of an organization. In most cases, organizations incorporate their corporate social responsibility agenda into promoting performance as they entice their personnel in the belief that they are giving back to the society. In such cases, employees are motivated to give their best and promote the public image of the firm.
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Activity 3
According to McClelland, there are three dominant motivational factors in individuals (Mindtools.com, 2014). These three motivational factors include the need for achievement, the need for affiliation and the quest for power. As basics for motivational theories, these factors can be effectively applied in the organization in order to develop people. However, in order to apply the factors, it is important to denote the characteristics and behaviors of employees in an organization. For example, there are individuals who measure their success in performance on what they have achieved. These are the individuals that every firm years to employ. Despite this fact, the individuals are rare to find, and if they are found, they tend to be independent and self-sustaining ('Work teams and diversity', 1995). Motivating such individuals entails creating a reward policy that recognizes and appreciates their input in the organization. This is as opposed to individuals who are oriented towards self-achievement and the attainment of power. Such individuals possess leadership skills and are best suited for positions of power. Understanding this type of people enables the creation of a promotional strategy based on the ability of the individual and their need to meet the needs for self-fulfillment and power.
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Mentoring and couching are important undertakings in an organization as they enhance the skills of the employees (PA Consulting Group, 2014). Other than this, coaching specifically transitions the organizational culture and expectations from the older generation to the incoming personnel. As a result, the norms and practices of the company are preserved towards a better performance. Lastly, the benefits of training and employee development cannot be overlooked. It is evident that employees who undergo training increase their performance abilities, and their skills are sharpened to meet the growing needs of the organization (Hrps.org, 2014). In conclusion, proper human resource management must be accountable and applicable in determining the most qualified personnel suited for the training.
Activity 4
As one of the most dependable assets of an organization, people must be effectively managed to guarantee the success of the organization. The strategies of effective human resource management start from the selection and recruitment of the right people. Hiring the right person for the job reduces unforeseen challenges in the field such as complex work (Boone, 2012). Training and development are another strategies for effective people management. Constantly sharpening the skills of employees ensures that the firm is up to date with the latest technology and changes in the market (Boone, 2012). Performance management is another strategy that cannot be overlooked. Constantly reshuffling employees from one department to the other ensures that they are always on their toes and abreast in performance. Lastly, employee engagement in decision making and rewarding and recognizing their input in the company is an effective strategy of managing people in an organization
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Depending on the strategy used for managing people in an organization, there are varying impacts on the performance levels (Analytictech.com, 2014). For example, a company that utilizes a recognition system such as the employee of the month reward has a higher chance of success than the one that applies the recognition only once a year. The token of appreciation in the workplace makes the employees feel empowered and respected, and this motivates them to achieve even more. There are many strategies that can be applied to enhance and increase the motivation of employees. However, choosing the perfect strategy depends on the type of organization as one strategy that is suitable for a certain firm may not work for another (Dunkerley, 1972). However, the bottom line behind every motivation strategy involves recognizing and appreciating the efforts of the employee. The basic strategies that can be applied include employee involvement, empowerment, recognition and reward policies.
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