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Undoubtedly, you have often heard that the theory of creation is called religion, and evolution is called science. Creation and evolution are emotionally colored words. However, let us see what the real meaning of these words is. According to the theory of creation, the Universe, the Earth, and life arose in a complete, complex form due to the influence of the force from outside of nature – the Creator. At the time of creation, everything was in the best condition, but subsequent changes tend to break down.
According to the theory of evolution, the Universe, Earth, and life arose in a primitive, simple form. Since their appearance, they have undergone some changes in their complication. The theory of "divine evolution" asserts that the growing complexity of the world is a consequence of the intervention of the supreme being (God); the classical theory of evolution believes that the reason for this is in the random case.
According to the evolutionary theory, all living things are a result of the natural mechanical process of development from a single living source, which, in turn, emerged from inanimate matter because of the same processes. These processes are inherent properties of matter itself, and, therefore, continue to operate today. The theory of the creation of the world (creation theory) states that all the main types of animals and plants (created genera) were brought to existence by purposeful actions of a preexistent being through special processes that do not operate in our time. Changes that have occurred since then are limited to the forms established within each of the created genera.
Common and Distinctive Features of Popular Theories
Atheists believe that believing in creation is unscientific since the Creator must be invisible, supernatural, eternal, omnipresent, and omnipotent. What do they offer instead? If there is no God, then the Universe appeared due to a random event. However, pay attention to some features of this random case. It can be seen only by the results of its intervention (that is, it is invisible). Thanks to it, the laws of nature were established, but it does not obey them (that is, it is supernatural). It existed even before the appearance of the Universe (eternal). Its influence extends to the entire universe (omnipresent). It is the cause, indirect or direct, of everything that ever happened (omnipotent). It is absurd to reject the theory of creation as improbable only because it implies the Creator. Belief in God and faith in the random case are one and the same. Both of them must be invisible, eternal, supernatural, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Moreover, if we question one theory, we must do the same with the other one. Let us examine the problem of creation and evolution. After all, if God exists, He could create everything, and use evolution as a method of creation. The question is how did He actually create the world? When it all began, there was no single scientist around to note whether the Universe, Earth, and life were primitive or complex. Therefore, this issue will be controversial for a very long time.