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Essays on such abstract topics as friendship can be the most challenging to students. At first sight, it seems that there is nothing easier than to write about such everyday issues as friendship, love, affection, passion, etc. However, in reality, it is complicated to mold your thoughts in proper words. Usually, it is really hard to express the role of friendship in general and in personal experience in particular.
If you got this assignment but do not know what to write about, you can search for some ideas and free paper samples on the net but there is no guarantee that you will not be confused even more, especially taking into account plenty of information, ideas, and thoughts on such a broad topic. Still, you may be lucky to derive the advantages of free online essays about friendship: you might read about the role and importance of friendship in the society, the meaning of friendship, the types of friendship, etc. However, if you have got even more confused, just try to brainstorm the topic with your own ideas and associations what friendship is for you. Just think for a moment how many friends you have, what they mean to you, what makes them your friends, what you expect from them, and what you expect from yourself – this list can go on and on.
If you still need some ideas and tactics on how to write a friendship essay and what to include in your piece of writing, read on the following article.
What Is Friendship?
Whether you have friends or not might influence your mood, feelings, emotions, and the general well-being. However, you should also distinguish real friends from “friends in disguise.” In the latter case, a person may often feel frustrated after communicating or interacting with such kind of “friends.” Therefore, think for a moment whether you have such toxic people in your life. With all the good and bad experience that you have with your friends, you will soon be able to distinguish between real friends and “pretend to be” friends.
What Are the Features of Friendship?
Some of the underlying principles of friendship are love, affection, trust, and mutual interests. When people are friends, they like to spend time together, share their thoughts and opinions on some issues, and also share their emotions and feelings with each other. Moreover, friends are always there to help whenever you need assistance (and, of course, if your friends can help you). Further, values and beliefs are also things that connect friends with each other. It is hard to be a friend with someone who has totally different values from yours. The main features of friendship are stability, affection, love, mutual trust, honesty, and the absence of sexual desires. You can be a good friend if you have such qualities as:
- The ability to listen to others;
- The ability to support and help;
- Being sincere and honest;
- Being compassionate and empathic;
- Being interested in your friends’ lives;
- Being able to keep secrets;
- Being able to forgive and understand.
While writing an essay on friendship, analyze what kind of friend you are. Hopefully, the ideas provided in this article will help you submit a brilliant paper.