Having withstood the stresses of applying to college, you perhaps thought that there were enough sufferings. How wrong you were, weren't you? I bet the first assignment to write a college paper shattered the illusion.
It turned out that writing college essays is neither easy nor cheap if to order the papers from writing services. Besides, the latter practice is plagiarism no matter how such companies try to persuade you of the opposite. The best solution is to learn to write yourself. This article comes handy if you eventually decide to master the art of writing.
Why to Learn?
Ability to express thoughts clearly in a persuasive and well-structured manner will not only save your money but also enable you to achieve academic excellence. Such skills will prove indispensable when making the first steps towards a successful career path. Just think of numerous cover letters and personal statements that you are to write before getting a job. However, if you know how to deal with college papers, it will not be a challenge but merely another task on your to-do list.
How to Learn?
The process of writing is a piece of cake if to follow the basic guidelines. Some of them are outlined in three steps below:
Step 1. Pick a topic and take a stance.
Decide what to write about. For instance, if you want to discuss sport, then it is your topic. However, it is too broad. That is why you should take a stance. Taking a stance means formulating the main point. You should decide what specifically you want to tell about the topic. Turning back to sport, what can be the main point? Perhaps, that sport is beneficial or that it is harmful. Such main points are very simple but perfectly suitable for those who just learn how to write college papers.
Step 2. Create a thesis statement.
A thesis statement is what represents your stance, for example, “Sport is beneficial.” Besides, it shows why you think so, i.e., provides at least three reasons why your stance might be true. The result may be the following thesis statement ‒ a good but very simplified one:
“Sport is beneficial. First, it makes our bodies fit and healthy. Second, it is fun and boosts mood. Third, it encourages self-improvement.”
Step 3. Composing the body.
If steps 1 and 2 are done well, the body writing is as easy as pie. The key to success is to follow the outline presented in the thesis statement. According to our thesis, there should be 3 body paragraphs – 1 per each reason. Cover exactly those points that you have mentioned there.
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Consider these steps to learn how to write essays for college. Surely, just reading the article will not help. To acquire writing skills, you should practice a lot, especially in creating concise but informative thesis statements. Once you harness the technique, writing will not give you hard times anymore.