If you are student, you should realize that maintaining good relationship with your professor is really important. Why? First, because your professor is an experienced person who can help you with a piece of advice in your field of studying and guide you when needed. Second, because you may need some help from him/her in the future, e.g. he/she might write you a letter of recommendation or offer some internship position to continue with your studying. Besides, professors prove to be truly helpful for students, when the latter are pursuing their careers.
So, check out the following tips on how to build strong relationships with your professor:
Always be on time. Whether it is a lecture or meeting with your professor during his/her office hours, arriving on time is a must! First, you show good manners. Second, you demonstrate that you value his/her time and efforts.
Stay in the classroom till the end of the lecture/lesson, etc. Leaving early is a sign of being impolite and disrespectful. Even if you are bored during the class and would rather go outside or drink some coffee in the canteen, remember that you should respect the efforts the professor made in order to prepare for the lecture.
Switch off your mobiles. Do not get distracted with your gadgets. It is really not pleasant to notice students chatting on social networks and smiling or giggling to their laptops or tablets. If you are using some devices during the class, make sure you use them for studying purposes.
Try to sit in the front rows. When sitting in the front rows, you are more likely to hear every single word your professor says and participate in class discussions. Besides, you won’t be distracted by other students sitting in front of you.
Be active! Always participate in group discussions or brainstorms. Show your interest in the subject. Even if you don’t get straight A’s, your professor will surely appreciate your efforts when you try your best during the classroom activities.
Feel free to engage in a conversation with your professor after classes. After the first lesson, introduce yourself to your professor. Briefly mention your interests and academic goals. Professors like determined and persevering students. If you ask some additional questions regarding the material discussed during the lecture, your professors will see that you listened really attentively.
Use office hours. Very often, students miss out the opportunity to visit their professors during office hours. Usually, they turn up there right before the exams. Well … such behavior is a sign of being irresponsible and not interested in the successful passing of the exam. Therefore, whenever you have some questions regarding the subject, don’t be shy and feel free to address your professor.
These seven tips are just some of the many that can be used by students to establish rapport with their professors. I sincerely hope that they will prove invaluable during your studying.