I cannot successfully place my order online. How can I do that if I want to get writing help from you?

Take a look at your order registration field and check whether the size of the attached files does not exceed the indicated limit. If it does, forward the files via email to the customer support team. They will then send them to your writer. Remember to indicate the order ID in the email subject.

I have chosen a wrong paper type/due date/complexity level/number of pages… Can I edit the order registration form?

According to the company’s policy, clients cannot edit their order registration form after they have submitted it online. This restriction measure was implemented since many order details affect the total order price. So, if you need to change the order type, deadline or some other details, contact our customer support agents first, and they will provide updates on your behalf. If your new requirements have impacted the price for the paper, you will need to pay a compensation.

Can I ask my assigned writer to add more pages to the order?

Sure. You just need to place an additional order to the current one. When registering this new additional order of yours, in the paper length field you have to specify the number of pages that should be added.

Can I control whether a writer has been assigned to work on my paper or not?

You can monitor this aspect in your personal cabinet — you just need to find the needed order ID and check the order details. If you see the writer’s ID indicated there, then it means that a writer has been assigned.

Can I get a paper draft?

You can request a paper draft at an additional payment. When you purchase this draft function, keep in mind that you will receive a one-page draft after half the deadline has passed.

How can I send a revision request to my writer if I need some paper adjustments?

If you are sending a revision request within two days after the deadline expiration, this revision is free. For longer papers, this free revision timespan is extended to 30 days. To place a revision, you need to go to your completed orders section and press the “Request Revision” button. Just make sure you do not change original instructions.

How can I adjust my personal information on the website?

If you want to change the password to your personal cabinet, your email or phone number, etc., you have to edit your profile. After you have updated all this information, do not forget to save all updates.

How long does it take you to find a writer for my paper?

We do our best to find the writer as fast as possible. However, it depends on the order complexity, the set deadline, and our writers’ availability.

I need my paper revised, but the free revision period has already passed. How can I get my paper improved in this case?

You can place a new order and pick the “Revision” order type. This time, the revision option will be paid.

How can I communicate with my writer?

You can use the direct messaging system that is available for you when you log in to your profile. If you have urgent matters, it is recommended to contact the live chat support. The agents will be able to get reply from your writer.

Where can I download my paper?

You are able to download the completed order from the completed orders tab in your profile. Besides, clients are notified via email when orders are uploaded.

Can you provide me professional help with an online test?

We provide expert help with online tests. When placing the order, you need to indicate that you need an online test. You have to provide details on the test, send all materials needed for preparation for the test, and also send your assigned writer your credentials. If the writer takes a test on your behalf, it should be possible for him/her to log in to your profile on the test-taking platform. What is even more important, specify your time zone.

Can you provide a coding assignment for me?

Our company specializes only in providing custom writing services. We do not have a team of specialists who are well-versed in computing, web development, app development, and IT sphere on the whole.

How can I get notifications of my order?

Our company’s clients get automatic emails when any changes take place in their accounts related to their orders. Apart from email notifications, you can get SMS notifications and even phone calls.

How can I be sure that my order has been assigned to some writer?

You can track all changes in your account by monitoring the order status. When it says “Payment Verification,” it means that the company administration is still waiting either for your payment or for confirmation of the payment. If the order status is “Processing,” it means that the writer has been assigned and is working on your paper. If the order status is “Sent” or “Completed,” you are welcome to download the paper.

When will I receive my order?

You will get your order according to the deadline that you have indicated in the order placement form. The deadline countdown starts once you have paid for the order and confirmed the payment.

I have troubles placing my paper with you. Please explain me what I should do.

If the website will not allow you to place your order successfully, we can claim that one of the widespread reasons is the exceeding size of the attached documents. If you need to send your writer some materials or instructions on your paper, there is a better way of sharing the instructions instead of attaching them to the order placement form. You are recommended to send them via email to the customer support team by indicating the subject of the email. The agents will then forward the documents to your assigned writer.

Where will my paper be uploaded?

You will find the completed paper when you log in to your personal account. On the deadline expiration, you will be able to download the paper from the “Completed Files” section.

I have been facing troubles with the payment option, so I cannot verify my payment and place the order successfully.

It is essential to investigate the problem — i.e. what it has been caused by. When it comes to some financial issues, we do not deal with finance directly. In any case, you can inform the company administration about any troubles you face and we will put you through to our Financial Department. However, when the payment problem is caused by some glitch in the system, you can try paying via another card or from another browser. Sometimes, even updating your browser to a newer version can help.

Can I get my order earlier if my writer completes it fast?

We do not have a practice of delivering papers before the indicated deadlines. The total order price depends on the indicated deadline, so if you need your paper faster, you need to pay for it additionally.

Can I get my paper via email upon its completion?

Papers that are completed by your assigned writers are uploaded by them to the system. As such, you can also find them when you log into the system. Our company sends email notifications when your writer uploads the paper, so you will get a link for download.

Do I have to proceed with the additional payment for the preferred writer option even if I have purchased supreme writing services?

When you buy a supreme writing service, you will be assigned one of the company’s top 30 writers. However, in this case, you cannot choose a specific writer. If you want to select a specific person, you need to pay for the “Preferred Writer” option separately. When you buy a supreme-quality writing service, you will also get a plagiarism report uploaded along with the paper

I do not want to leave my telephone number upon registration.

It is not mandatory to provide your phone number, but we strongly recommend you to do it. When we have your valid contact details, keep in mind that it will be easier for us to contact you in some urgent cases.

Does your company guarantee privacy? Can I rely on confidentiality of your services?

Surely, you can — one of our core values is confidentiality. We want to assure each and every client that his/her data is in complete safety and security with us. This confidentiality rule spreads both on writers and clients — neither of them know names, email addresses or even genders of each other.

Within the period given for a free revision, can I send only one revision request?

No, you can send as many revision requests as you manage or need.

How can I be certain that the paper provided by you is free from plagiarism?

According to our policy, we provide our clients with original content. Each piece of writing is checked for plagiarized material by our software.

Who will work on my paper?

When we assign writers to your orders, we make sure that they are qualified and experienced in your sphere of research. We have a versatile team of writers with different qualifications, of different academic levels, and specializing in a variety of disciplines. Therefore, you can be certain that your paper will be completed by a professional.

How can I know that my paper was checked for mistakes?

If you purchase VIP services, there is an additional option of editing and proofreading. So, you just have to tick it if you need it, and some additional price will be added to the total order sum. Correspondingly, upon completion, your paper will be forwarded to the editorial department for checking.

How can I be sure that a writer is working on my paper?

If you are worried about whether your paper is being processed, keep in mind that you can check the order status in your account after you log into the system. Pay attention to the status: if it says “Processing,” it means that a writer is working on it. If the status says “Payment verification,” be sure that you need to confirm that you have paid for the order. The “Sent” status means that you can download the paper from the “Files” section. To stay updated on the order status, you may also order our VIP option “Get SMS notifications.”

I made a mistake when filling in the order registration details. I have realized that I need my order earlier than I have indicated. What should I do to get my order according to the new deadline?

You need to contact our customer support team and inform them about the changes in the deadline. As a rule, when you shorten the deadline, you have to pay compensation. The extra payment that is to be compensated should be calculated according to the difference in the deadline. A compensation order should thus be placed to the pending one.

I want my newly placed order to be written by the writer who previously wrote a paper for me. How can I ensure that he/she takes my order?

You just need to indicate his/her writer’s ID in the corresponding field in the order placement form that you are filling in. For this “Preferred Writer” option, you have to pay additional 15% to the total price for the order.

What are the duties and responsibilities of your service?

As soon as you place an order online, our customer support team will start looking for the writer who best matches your instructions. We try to find the most appropriate writer who has solid experience in your subject area, who has adequate qualifications, and who is on the whole capable of successfully dealing with your paper. Besides, we are responsible for checking your paper via anti-plagiarism software. Last but not the least, we guarantee on-time delivery of papers.

Can you help me with challenging assignments?

Our writers have the necessary theoretical and practical skills to be able to help you with the most confusing and tough academic assignments. We have experts holding Master’s and PhD degrees, so everything will be completed in the best way.

I cannot pay for the order, so I cannot successfully register it. Could you help me?

You may get some authorization error or some payment problems. First, you may at least try reloading the web page, using another browser, or updating the browser version to a newer one. Another remedy may be to try paying via another card. If these do not help, you can contact your bank for help.

I am in the middle of filling out the order registration form. I click the “Proceed” button, but nothing happens.

Some clients come to us for help when they cannot place the order online as the page keeps loading or stays grey. This error may occur if the size of the attached files exceeds the limit or if the format is not supported. Try sending your files via email to our customer support agents then.

I have paid for my order online, but the system is still asking me to proceed with the payment.

To be sure of the payment, you need to check whether you have received a payment receipt via email and forward it to us. It will serve as a proof that the payment went successfully. However, if there is no receipt, it is most probable that the money has not been withdrawn. To check it, go to your banking account and check whether the banking payment operation went successfully. If not, try another device/browser/card/payment processing organization.

I want to be certain that your writers can cope with my paper. Can I clarify it before placing an order online?

Definitely. You can contact us and send us your requirements. Our customer support representatives will message the Writing Department and will make sure there is a writer who has skills and qualifications to complete the order successfully.

Is it mandatory to provide my contact information?

We do recommend that our customers provide their phone numbers while registering on our website. When we have your valid contact details, we can contact you in cases of emergency — whenever some clarifications or updates are needed.

I got a notification that my order will be refunded. I wonder how much time this process takes place?

The refund procedure takes up from three to five business days. However, the process of money reimbursement depends not only on us but also on your bank.

How can I message my writer?

You are allowed to use the direct messaging system on the company’s website. You just have to log into the system before that and message your writer if you have any questions about your order. Our support agents can send your message instead of you if for some reasons you cannot access your account at that moment.

Where can I download my completed paper from?

It is easy to download your completed paper from the “Sent Files” section after you log in to your personal account. If the deadline has expired but there is no file attached, contact our customer support agents for help.

When will I get my paper?

Your paper will be completed and uploaded to the system at around the deadline you have indicated in the order registration form. The due date you have provided can be checked in the details under the order ID.

Can my assigned writer buy the book that is needed for my assignment?

Actually, no. According to the company’s policy, our writers are not supposed to buy any books that are needed for clients. If you are placing an order with us and you are aware that specific materials are needed for successful order completion, you need to provide the materials on your own.

I was trying to submit the order placement form for a few times, but the web page just keeps loading/stays grey. What may be the problem and how to deal with it?

Try to reload the page or update the browser. If it did not help, then the problem may lie in the exceeding size of the files you have attached. So, better send them via email to the customer support agents and they will forward them to your writer.

My professor has asked me to extend the essay and add extra page(s). I have placed this essay with you, so can I now change the word count limit?

You need to contact our customer support agents. They will help you in the process. You will need to place an additional order to the current one, where you should specify the number of pages that should be added. The price will then be recalculated depending on the complexity and number of pages.

I realized that I set the wrong deadline when filling in the order registration form. I need my paper faster.

If you need your paper faster, it means that you have to pay a compensation for earlier delivery. Place a compensation order, where you should indicate the deadline of the one that should be delivered quicker. All information concerning the additional payment can be obtained from our customer support representatives.

I cannot find the most suitable order type for the paper I need.

You can send us your instructions and we will help you come up with the relevant order type.

Do you guarantee authentic and plagiarism-free content?

Yes, we scan each paper via anti-plagiarism software, so you can rest assured that the content provided for you is original and written from scratch specifically according to your individual requirements. Please note that you will get an opportunity to scan your work by PlagiarismSearch on its delivery. Remember that our agency does not use Turnitin since it saves files, which means they cannot be checked twice.

Do you ensure confidentiality of services?

Our company guarantees security to each and every client placing an order with us. We promise you that none of your information will be disclosed to the third parties. Besides, your professor or your group mates will never know about your cooperation with us.

Will I get my paper according to the set deadline?

All papers that you order from us are bound to be delivered according to the set deadline. You can even count on us when you have a tight deadline.

Can I negotiate my order price?

The prices are not negotiable. We have a fixed policy regarding the order prices, so you can calculate your price after you filling in the online calculator. Additionally, you may discuss your special request with our support team. If you want to pay less, you can use the discount program or look for some special offers on the website.

I have questions to my writer, so can I talk with him/her?

You can just write your assigned writer a message via the messaging system on the website. Calls between clients and writers are prohibited. If there is some urgent case or you need an urgent clarification, you can contact the customer support for help.

The order placement form has frozen and I cannot proceed with the order. How can I resolve this issue?

As a rule, this problem occurs because you have uploaded more files than it is possible. Another cause is that you have exceeded the size limit of the files. You can try sending the files via email to the customer support team.

I want to place an online test with you. It will last for an hour or so. How can I place this order online if I cannot choose that short deadline?

You can simply contact our customer support representatives for help. Let them check whether there will be a writer available at the time of your test.

My order is going to be refunded, but I want to get that money reimbursement in form of bonus credits. Is it possible?

It is possible, but you first have to get in contact with our customer support representatives (by phone or via Live Chat) or Financial Department (via email: essayissues@gmail.com), inform them about your decision and they will tell you what to do next. The bonus credits can be stored in your account and you can use them for full or partial payment of your future orders. Please pay attention that the bonuses will be issued to your account as soon as your refund request is approved.

When will I be able to download my paper?

Whenever you place an order on our website, you have to specify the exact due date in the order placement form. That is the date when you should expect your paper to be delivered. You will be able to download it from your personal profile — just log in to the cabinet and search for the paper in the “Completed Orders” section. You will also receive an email confirming that your paper has been uploaded to your account.

What order type should I pick?

If you do not understand what order type you should choose when you place a paper with us, you can ask our customer support team for a piece of advice. After you share your instructions with them, they will look through them and will help you choose the most relevant order type.

How can I know that I will get a quality paper from you? Can you guarantee me that I will receive an excellent grade?

Even though we never promise our clients any grades, we always ascertain them that the quality of writing will be highly promising. Since we have only expert and highly-qualified writers on our team, you can be sure in the top quality of writing.

Is it possible for you to deliver my order earlier than I have indicated?

According to our company’s delivery policy, all orders are uploaded specifically according to the set deadline. However, if you need your order more urgently, you can place a compensation order and get the paper sooner.

Who will be working on my essay or other paper that I place?

All orders are completed by the writers who have top experience in the academic writing sphere and fluency in English. Besides, all of them have excellent skills as many of our writers are former professors.

Is it possible to check first if you have a writer who can complete my assignment?

You can show us your instructions and we will inform you whether we have specialists able to deal with your task. If we can find a writer for you, then you can place an order with us.

What should I know about the prices before I cooperate with you?

The basics of our pricing policy is that the total order price depends on such factors as the order type, academic complexity level, paper length, deadline, and others. You can calculate the price via online calculator or you can ask our company’s support agents to calculate the price for you.

How will I get the finished assignment?

All completed orders are sent to clients via the system. We also send notifications to our clients via email. So, when the order is completed, you will be sent a link that will enable you to download it.

I have written a part of my essay (or other paper) on my own, but I need professional help finishing it. Can you help me?

Yes, you can count on our writers for help even if you need a part of your paper to be completed. Be sure to send us the paper requirements as well as the part of the paper that you have completed on your own.

What is your company’s work schedule?

Our company operates round-the-clock, so you are welcome to place an order with us at any time.

Can your company’s writers handle urgent orders?

Yes, you can count on us even if you have a pressing deadline. We recommend you to clarify whether writers are available at a certain time. So, contact our customer support representatives right now and do not waste your precious time.

I would like a specific writer from one of my previous orders to complete this order for me, too. How can I make it possible?

We can offer you a chance to choose the “Preferred Writer” option. You should insert the writer’s ID in the corresponding “Preferred Writer” field, fill in the order registration form further, and just pay additional 15% to the total order price. As such, you are guaranteed that your preferred writer will proceed with the task for you.

Can I request revision of my order?

You are granted a free revision option within 48 hours after the deadline expiration. In that case, you need to provide your writer with exact remarks on what should be improved and indicate the deadline for the revision. If you introduce new instructions and want your writer to add something, then you have to place a separate “Revision” order type for separate payment.

Do you guarantee your clients top grades?

We never guarantee any grades since different professors evaluate papers differently. The evaluation process is subjective, so we cannot be sure how your professor will grade your paper. However, we guarantee premium quality, plagiarism-free content, and a free revision option.

Is there a way to scan papers for plagiarism on your website?

Customers' papers can be scanned by the plagiarism-checking software, ThePlagiarism.com, for free within a year if you have ordered VIP services, “The Plagiarism check” option namely, from us.

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