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Custom Literature essay

Fairy Tales as a Cultural Phenomenon essay

Fairy tales are a narrative genre of written and oral folklore; it is piece of prose, which is based on imagined story and which exists as part of culture belonging to different nations. They originated before literacy was introduced, storytelling was an oral form, which they took when passed from ... Read more »

Modernistic View of “A Rose for Emily “and “Barn Burning” essay

The beginning of the twentieth century till the end of 1965 is considered to be the Modernist Period. This period is characterized by the sudden change in the traditional ways people interacted with and viewed the world. These changes included reactions against social, political, and religious ... Read more »

Oedipus the King essay

Conflict refers to incompatibility of ideas or objectives of two or more characters or events within a piece of literature. In the play Oedipus the King, Sophocles presents several conflicts through the tragedy that happened to Oedipus the king of Thebes. Oedipus represents the main conflict in the ... Read more »

Repression of Femininity in The Rain God by Arturo Islas essay

The concept of gender roles have always been of interest to authors of all times because it lies far beyond the scope of literature. It is a highly flexible phenomenon that is rooted in cultural, ethnical and social background, so this is why it could be so interesting to explore. The Rain God, a ... Read more »

Robert Frost as a Modernist Poet essay

Modernism is an art movement emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century and covered a whole range of literary schools. Because of this, modernism is not homogenous in terms of its principles and aesthetics but all its branches are united by the break of classical realist tradition, offering ... Read more »

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky essay

Stephen Crane’s short story “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” belongs to his Western saga series, and thus reveals historical and cultural aspects of life and people’s communication, which was typical at the time. In a humorous tone, the author unveils the laws and moral ... Read more »

The Effect of Slavery in Uncle Tom’s Cabin essay

This essay will establish the effect of slavery in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. During the 1850s, slavery was widespread in the United States. During the abolitionists’ fight against slavery, the usage of anti-slavery writings was particularly extensive. Abolitionists spread their message though ... Read more »

The Relationship between Eliezer and his Father essay

In the novel Night, Eliezer is more than a conventional protagonist. The narrator gives a firsthand account of the events that followed the holocaust and mass execution of the Jews in the concentration camps. Unlike other holocaust writers, Elie does not use historical perspective to give his ... Read more »

‘The Story of an Hour’ by Kate Chopin essay

Kate Chopin was the writer who presented the world with brilliant short and stories. She was able to portray numerous characters, themes, and symbols in several pages. ‘The Story of an Hour’ is a short story written in 1894; however, it was published only in 1895. The story deals with a ... Read more »

To Posterity by Petrarch essay

Petrarch who lived in the fourteenth century was one of the most prominent Renaissance thinkers and writers. He was also often called “the father of humanism,” which highlighted his significant contribution to the development of the abovementioned philosophy. In his works, he paid much ... Read more »

Year's End by Ted Kooser essay

Ted Kooser’s poem Year's End is a symbolic piece of writing that deals with the theme of natural cycles of life, love and death. By using “we” point of view instead of “I” the author appeals to humanity in general, seeing people as part of the Universe that functions ... Read more »
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